Our international Cow Total Flora ISO 17043 Proficiency Test (IBC) are organized 10x/year in collaboration with Actalia-Cecalait (French reference laboratory), to control the optimal standardization of our BactoCount and guarantee worldwide results equivalence.
Calibration range
UREA SRMs (PN FR-1235)
Our urea SRMs calibration set can be used to control the optimal standardization and calibration of our FTS and DairySpec infrared analyzers and guarantee urea results international equivalence.
Milk infrared analyzer
Milk infrared analyzer
Calibration range
UREA SRMs (PN FR-1235)
Our urea SRMs calibration set can be used to control the optimal standardization and calibration of our FTS and DairySpec infrared analyzers and guarantee urea results international equivalence.
Lyophilized bacteria SRMs
Made from bacteria present in raw milk, our long shelf-life SRMs, can be quickly reconstituted and used to monitor the optimal functioning and standardization of our BactoCount bacteria counters.
Lyophilized somatic cells SRMs
Our calibration ranges, consisting of 5 long shelf-life SRMs, can be quickly reconstituted and used to monitor the optimal functioning and standardisation of our BactoCount and Somacount somatic cells counters.
Microspheres SRMs
Our microsphere SRMs allow to standardize the BactoCount by controlling the proper alignment and mechanical functioning of its flow cytometer.
Secondary Reference Materials (SRMs)
Secondary Reference Materials (SRMs)
Made from bacteria present in raw milk, our long shelf-life SRMs, can be quickly reconstituted and used to monitor the optimal functioning and standardization of our BactoCount bacteria counters.
Lyophilized somatic cells SRMs
Our calibration ranges, consisting of 5 long shelf-life SRMs, can be quickly reconstituted and used to monitor the optimal functioning and standardisation of our BactoCount and Somacount somatic cells counters.
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ZA Brunehaut 840 rue Curie
62161 Maroeuil - France
+33 (0)2 85 52 90 73
Fax : +33 (0)3 20 09 87 12
4004 Peavey Rd Chaska
Minnesota 55318 - USA
+1 952 448 7600
+1 952 368 3355
4004 Peavey Rd Chaska
Minnesota 55318 - USA
+1 952 448 7600
+1 952 368 3355